Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Bed On The Side Of The Road

From the windows of my fancy Mercedes university bus, where we have every luxury you can think of including internet connection so that we don't get bored during our daily rides, I laid my eyes on what were as far as I could tell two men covered with blankets from head to toe, apparently sleeping on the side of the road. People and cars just passed by them like it was the most normal scene ever and for a minute there I was scared that one day the sight of dead bodies on the streets would be just as normal, but then I thought why should I worry I saw this while sitting comfortably in the fancy bus of one of the most prestgious and expensive universities in my country!

P.S this is sarcastic

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Don't Come Back!

For every tear I cried, for every night I cried myself to sleep, for every sleepless night, for every ounce of hope you gave me and harshly took back…for every call I waited for and didn’t get, for every message I got no reply to, for every time you played with my feelings and for the past two years I spent whining over you and the year I spent talking about no one and to no one but you I shall never forgive you…I wish you well though!
I was so young and you were old enough to know better!

So you have no right to come back talking like nothing happened you don't have the right to!! So please just leave me be! I am finally okay with your absence....I am finally out of the dark! I finally smile and there's the slightest chance that someone might be able to put the light back in my eyes so don't ruin that my coming back all nice, funny and flirty!! I have crossed the thin line between love and hate and guess on which side I am now!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Everything Happens For A Reason

For the first time in my life I decided to act crazy….ok well I wasn't really crazy but I was less of a quiet person that day. I danced all night with no care in the world, for the first time I didn’t really care how people saw me or what they thought of me. I was happy that night I wasn't thinking at all and I wasn't trying to impress anyone I was being me and enjoying the moment……and that was the moment I noticed him for the first time and he noticed me too. We had a moment….or several moments (no…not those kinds of moments but we smiled and talked). It was beautiful and so unexpected! I don't know when I will see him again but I know I will! I was never the kind of person who holds on to such moments but what happened that day made me want to hold on. Well what happened is: the day went all so wrong things got messy and I was about to give up on the party and not go but then I decided to go….and there he was! So yea for those moments and for him I'd do it all over again!
Until we meet again! J

Monday, December 6, 2010


I felt like I had to write an introduction to my blog. I don't know why but for some reason whenever I read a blog post I feel the need to know about the writer first or the reasons for creating a blog or whatever……I feel there should be an introduction to everything!
So I am an Egyptian student. My study field is business…though it was never what I thought I'd be doing. I always believed I'd go for a "top faculty" as they call them here in Egypt. And these are the faculties that require high score in high school like medicine or engineering. I always thought that because I was good at school. And when I got into business when my score was high enough for me to go anywhere I was showered with criticism…….and I hated that! I am usually criticized by my relatives because to them am too open-minded and to them that's a crime…although to my friends and colleagues am too traditional. The reason why am making this blog is that I have always been writing but to myself……I kept my thoughts private in word documents saved in folder no one can find on my computer. I didn't want to be judged whether for my ideas or my style so I went behind a name that is not mine and never will be. I got that idea from an Egyptian well-known writer who did the same a few years ago… not seeking the fame she got but it seemed like a good solution to my problem (which simply is not having the guts to publish what I write).
I am not the best writer you've ever seen and my blog probably isn't the best you see but it still feels good to be able to publish what I write knowing that people might be reading it none of whom knows who I am.